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4567 Rockbridge Road #1771

Pine Lake, GA 30072

Leroy Elder 404-783-3094

Annelle Elder 404-274-1480

Elder's Real Estate Enterprise



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Latest comments

17.10 | 00:49

The Elders were GREAT!! The ultinate professional Team. They did an outstanding job. They wete thorough, detailed and communicated very clearly wth their report

16.10 | 15:16

Elders are truly an exception. They made our home inspection experience personable and educational, while saving us over $5k in closing cost. True professionals

13.08 | 12:59

The Elders were professional, quick, and respectful in their appraisal for my Home. They made me feel very comfortable. Thank you very much!

01.07 | 02:17

To those that visit our site and the other's which send comments, we say Thank you! This is a vital part of our company's core- for others to view your feedback